Changes REST API, 1 Feb 2025
For those of you who use Börsdata Rest-API for your own code and programs.
NOTE. This does not affect you who use the Börsdata Excel plugin or the Google Sheets Addon.
After the turn of the year, we will move the Rest API for own code and self-written programs to Pro+.
As a PRO member, it will then no longer be possible to get a new API key that works with Rest-API.
The change takes effect from 1 Feb, 2025.
The main reason is to ensure a higher quality and to be able to continue investing in improvements to Börsdata.
How does this affect me who is a PRO member and uses the Rest API for my own code?
During the remaining time of your API Key, you will be upgraded to Pro+ and can download all API data. Also Global data and Holdings data are included for Pro+.
When the time for your API Key has ended, you can choose whether you want to continue as a Pro+ member to continue to have access to the Rest API.
How does this affect me who uses the Börsdata Excel plugin or the Google Sheets Addon.
This does not affect you who use the Börsdata Excel plugin or the Google Sheets Addon.
No changes will be made to the Börsdata Excel plugin or the Google Sheets Addon.
It will work as usual.
How does this affect me who is already Pro+?
This does not affect you who are already Pro+. It will work as usual.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reply to this email or contact us at [email protected].