Welcome to Börsdata

Our vision is to create the best analysis platform for equity investors.

Börsdata is one of the Nordics largest independent analysis tools with over 15,000 active users. Our strength is the high-quality report data and ratios that we collect for all Nordic companies. We cover all the smaller market lists and companies. We are constantly trying to present financial information in a new and innovative way. From providing a unique overview of the stock market, with up to 20 years of history, to building more advanced screening and analysis tools.

In 2009, we created Börsdata because we did not find any good analytics service for equity investors online. Since then, we have had the ambition to try to create a more complete analytics platform.

In 2020, Modular Finance joined as a new partner in Börsdata to help us with our ambition to further develop our services.

George Bol
George BolCEO
Henrik Bergström
Henrik BergströmCTO
Lukas Sandelin
Lukas SandelinData Specialist

Own database

With our own unique database, we can offer a long history and a large number of ratios. The information in the database comes directly from listed nordic companies interim and annual reports. It has taken many years to collect the information. Thanks to its richness of detail, we can calculate a large number of ratios. We offer fast and efficient reports and ratio updates as we are independent of other financial data vendors and information sources.

Company overview

Compare several hundred ratios along with stock prices with 20 years of history. This provides a powerful and time-efficient overview of listed companies. You can also compare the ratios of an individual company with others industry peers. It provides a clear overview of the historical development for both individual companies and the industry.

Investment strategies

We offer several well-known strategies such as "The Magic Formula" which is based on the bestseller "A small book that beats the stock market". In addition, other popular strategies such as F-Score, Graham and Net-nets that have historically performed better than the market. Our unique database makes it possible to list the most interesting companies according to the strategies. Our goal is to offer more quantitative strategies in the long run.

Advanced Screener

Börsdatas unique ratio screener makes it possible to combine a large number of ratios with a long history. We offer several thousand unique ratio calculations in different categories and many mini-charts for even faster screening. The powerful and flexible screener that makes it possible to filter, sort, export and save the ratios quickly.

Technical Analysis

With Tradingview, which is one of the best TA tools on the market, can we offer an advanced technical analysis for the nordic and global markets. Over fifty technical indicators and more advanced drawing functions like Elliot Wave, Fibonacci, and Gann lines. We also offer a long history for stock prices, indices, commodities and currencies.

Analyze and Valuation

Börsdata also has complete income, balance sheets, cash flow statements and ratios. 20 years of history for a year-view and 10 years of history for quarterly and 12 rolling months-view. At the same time, it is quick to analyze and compare report data and ratios visually. You can also export all report data, ratios and stock prices to Excel.