10-year key figure history for Norsk Titanium turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.
Price movement for Norsk Titanium with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.
Norsk Titanium AS is in metal 3D printing. The company uses its proprietary Rapid Plasma Deposition (RPD) technology for cost-efficient 3D printing of metal alloys. This technology enables the production of value-added parts that are suitable for a large market. The company's focus is on high-end structural applications that require the use of 3D-printed titanium parts, which offer substantial benefits compared to traditional materials and production methods. The company caters to high-complexity markets such as commercial aerospace and defense, which allows them to deliver value propositions and position itself for expansion into other markets. Geographically the company generates revenue from Norway, Europe, and the USA with the majority being generated from Norway.