0,0 %
Date:2024-07-26Time:17:29:00Latest report:Q2-2024List:First NorthTicker:NYTTO PREF
Market Cap:8 441 msekEnterprise Value:8 441 msekNet Sales:- msekEarnings:- msekEmployees:0ISIN:SE0014808861


10-year key figure history for Svenska Nyttobostäder Pref turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.



Price movement for Svenska Nyttobostäder Pref with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.

Price/MA200:26,3 %
RSI (14):55,4
Price/MA50:1,6 %


Svenska Nyttobostäder owns and manages newly produced residential properties in locations close to communications in Stockholm The company currently has 5,752 apartments in the management portfolio. Of these, 21% have been completed and taken over, the other 79% have been acquired at a fixed price to take over upon completion, which will take place continuously until 2025. The company thus takes no construction or development risk. Of the unfinished properties, 30% are in production and all others have legally valid detailed plans and are being prepared for the start of construction. The operating net management portfolio after the acquisitions in 2025 is expected to amount to approximately SEK 600 million. The ambition is for the Company's free cash flows to be used to grow the property portfolio further.

Real Estate