-2,3 %
Date:2025-03-11Time:18:00:00Latest report:Q4-2024List:First NorthTicker:TESSIN
Market Cap:38 msekEnterprise Value:138 msekNet Sales:24,5 msekEarnings:-41,2 msekEmployees:0ISIN:SE0009522451


10-year key figure history for Tessin Nordic turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.



Price movement for Tessin Nordic with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.

Price/MA200:-28,4 %
RSI (14):48,0
Price/MA50:-19,4 %


Tessin Nordic was founded in 2014 and is today a digital investment platform in real estate financing in terms of brokered capital. The business is based on the proprietary Platform, which connects property developers and property owners in need of loan financing, with investors seeking exposure to a high-yielding asset class with balanced risk and security in the form of, above all, real estate mortgages. The company's strategy and operations are based on the assumption that credits for property development have become a scarce commodity and that there is a market to address for players who are able to generate or mediate such credits. An additional prerequisite for Tessin's strategy is that in the Nordic region there is good access to private and institutional investors with the funds, willingness to invest and the knowledge required to invest in real estate loans.

Real Estate