-3,1 %
Date:2025-03-13Time:18:00:00Latest report:Q4-2024List:First NorthTicker:ALPCOT B
Market Cap:154 msekEnterprise Value:154 msekNet Sales:98,1 msekEarnings:-23,3 msekEmployees:0ISIN:SE0016845655


10-year key figure history for Alpcot turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.



Price movement for Alpcot with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.

Price/MA200:31,2 %
RSI (14):59,9
Price/MA50:21,8 %


Alpcot has a digital platform for savings and investments with several market-leading services. The Swedish part of Alpcot's operations was founded in 2014 and has since the business was started focused on helping private individuals to optimize their financial commitments. Alpcot's digital platform is today used both by Alpcot's own direct customers and by advisers who in turn provide financial advice to their customers, ie the digital platform is used as a so-called Software as a service (Saas). Alpcot's own direct customers receive help from various decision support and guidance tools to make informed decisions, while professional advisers use a number of different digital tools to provide financial advice to their customers, which is later phased out through Alpcot's digital platform. The strength of Alpcot's SaaS model is being able to offer professional advisors advanced advisory tools in a fully integrated solution.