Original report currency
Finally, we have updated our systems and report data for approx. 280 Nordic companies to show the same currency as the report shows. This has been a requested update but has taken a lot of time to implement as it affects our entire system and calculations.
Now, for example, Evolution's report data is shown in EURO and the share price in SEK. This is completely correct because the company reports in EURO but is traded in SEK on Nasdaq. Previously, we converted Evolution's report data to SEK to facilitate calculations and comparison of report data. But now we show all reports in original currency.
How is this shown in Börsdata?
As we have a mixture of report values and calculated Kpi, we have added two new values for report currency and share price currency. Report values are now displayed in original currency.
In the screener, there are three new key figures that show the report currency and share price currency.
Also a conversion factor if you want to recalculate latest report currency to share price currency.
This is helpful in Excel if you calculate your own key figures.
The analysis page
On the Analysis page, the original report currency is now displayed.
All estimates are now displayed in original currency. We have converted your estimates for the affected companies into original currency.
In order not to break existing applications, we still convert report data to share price currency. The API calls for report data return the same data as before. Here we will soon add original report data as an extra call.
In the call /v1/instruments there are two new values.
- stockPriceCurrency (string)
- reportCurrency (string)
- Download KursValuta
- Download RapportValuta
- Download Exchange rate
Excel plugin
In order not to break existing applications, we convert report data to share prices. In BD_INSTRUMENT there are two new columns.
- stockPriceCurrency
- reportCurrency
If you make your own key figure calculations, you now need to check that the report data is in the same currency as the share price. If the currency is not the same, you can recalculate the report data with [report.currency_Ratio].