10-year key figure history for F-Secure turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.
Price movement for F-Secure with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.
F-Secure Oyj is a Finland-based cyber security company. It operates as a parent company for F-Secure Group, which includes subsidiaries in such regions as Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia. The Group offers cyber security products, managed services, and cyber security consulting to businesses and consumers. Corporate security business includes endpoint protection solutions (Protection Service for Business, Business Suite), as well as solutions targeted at detecting and responding to advanced attacks (Rapid Detection Service, RDS) and vulnerability management (F-Secure Radar). Also, the Group manages operator and direct consumer channels, and the main products comprise F-Secure SAFE, F-Secure Freedome, F-Secure KEY, and F-Secure SENSE.