0,0 %
Date:2024-05-02Time:09:00:02Latest report:Q2-2024List:SpotlightTicker:ALLT
Market Cap:9 msekEnterprise Value:9 msekNet Sales:6,42 msekEarnings:-7,71 msekEmployees:0ISIN:SE0015192828


10-year key figure history for Alltainer turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.



Price movement for Alltainer with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.

Price/MA200:-73,3 %
RSI (14):55,9
Price/MA50:-17,9 %


Alltainer AB was formed in the autumn of 2019 to manufacture, market and sell sea containers furnished as homes, bars, sanitation facilities or other purposes that customers demand. However, the idea behind the Company's operations has been developed over a couple of years and sales channels to, above all, the American market have been worked up during the course of the work, as these have to a large extent been involved in the development work. Among other things, Alltainer has worked together with the industry organization for sanitary landlords in the USA to produce specifications for the Company's sanitary containers. Through its own production in Vietnam with components sourced from the customer's home market, Alltainer can deliver quality products built on ISO-certified sea containers at a competitive price, which for the customer is simple and cheap to transport both by road and by sea.