-1,3 %
Date:2025-03-14Time:13:53:03Latest report:Q4-2024List:First NorthTicker:SODER
Market Cap:250 msekEnterprise Value:215 msekNet Sales:232,4 msekEarnings:7,20 msekEmployees:0ISIN:SE0016276539


10-year key figure history for Söder Sportfiske turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.



Price movement for Söder Sportfiske with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.

Price/MA200:10,7 %
RSI (14):49,4
Price/MA50:0,5 %


Söder Sportfiske is a leading sport fishing company in the Nordic region with an established omnichannel platform that includes both e-commerce and physical trade for sport fishing. The company offers a wide and well-thought-out range for modern sport fishing as well as fast deliveries. The Company also owns and develops its own brands, Söder Custom, Söder Tackle and Eastfield Lures, which are sold primarily via the Company's e-commerce. The company started with a physical store in Stockholm for the sale of sport fishing products. The company has since built the platform and website Sportfiskeprylar.se for Swedish e-commerce and thereby developed into one of the leading players in e-commerce of sport fishing products based on sales. The company's existing sales channels with an international website for international e-commerce in the form of Sportfishtackle.com. At the beginning of 2021, the website Sportfishtackle.de was also opened for the German market.