0,9 %
Date:2024-12-20Time:17:29:31Latest report:Q1-2025List:Mid CapTicker:RVRC
Market Cap:4 450 msekEnterprise Value:4 319 msekNet Sales:1 849 msekEarnings:302,0 msekEmployees:0ISIN:SE0015962485
10-year key figure history for Revolutionrace turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.
Price movement for Revolutionrace with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.
Price/MA200:-18,2 %
RSI (14):48,3
Price/MA50:-3,3 %
RevolutionRace is a company that offers clothing in outdoor life and otherwise for an active lifestyle to customers in about 35 countries via its online store that is locally adapted to 16 countries. The company offers its multifunctional clothing under its own brand RevolutionRace and is aimed at a global and broad customer base that lives an active life mainly in the age category 18-70 years. RevolutionRace conducts its business within the framework of a digital D2C business model, which means that sales take place exclusively online and are aimed directly at consumers.