1 11950dkk
-2,6 %
Date:2024-05-03Time:16:59:59Latest report:Q1-2024List:Large CapTicker:PNDORA
Market Cap:91 799 mdkkEnterprise Value:104 442 mdkkNet Sales:29 120 mdkkEarnings:4 816 mdkkEmployees:0ISIN:DK0060252690


10-year key figure history for Pandora turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.



Price movement for Pandora with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.

Stockprice:1 119,50
MA50:1 117,71
Price/MA200:22,3 %
RSI (14):54,5
Price/MA50:0,2 %


Pandora is a premium jewelry brand and the market leader in the charm bracelet category. The company was established in the 1980s in Denmark and since then has expanded globally. Pandora has over 2,500 concept stores globally (1,600 owned and operated, and the remainder run by its franchise partners) as well as multibrand locations and stores-in-stores. Pandora owned retail accounts for 51% of sales, own online channels for 21% and wholesale for the remainder. Charms and bracelets account for almost three fourths of its sales. The firm produces mostly internally in two jewelry-crafting facilities in Thailand.