-0,9 %
Date:2025-03-14Time:18:00:00Latest report:Q4-2024List:First NorthTicker:INT
Market Cap:1 017 msekEnterprise Value:1 048 msekNet Sales:265,3 msekEarnings:72,3 msekEmployees:0ISIN:SE0016075063


10-year key figure history for Intellego Technologies turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.



Price movement for Intellego Technologies with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.

Price/MA200:9,4 %
RSI (14):31,7
Price/MA50:-10,2 %


Intellego is a Swedish research and development company founded in 2011. The company's focus is on the development and commercialization within B2B of its patented and scalable technology platform for color-changing indicators. From this technological development, two segments have emerged that form the backbone of Intel Lego's operations. The first segment is the market for UVC dosimeters. The UVC dosimeters today account for the Company's revenue streams, and sales are made to players primarily in the healthcare market. In this market, Intel Lego focuses on the hospital, disinfection, food, hotel, gym and consumer industries. The second segment is the consumer market for UV indicators, which aim to increase users' awareness of the amount of UV radiation they are exposed to daily, which thus means improved sun care routines.