7,9 %
Date:2025-02-21Time:18:00:00Latest report:Q4-2024List:First NorthTicker:BEAMMW B
Market Cap:159 msekEnterprise Value:121 msekNet Sales:1,07 msekEarnings:-22,8 msekEmployees:0ISIN:SE0016799068


10-year key figure history for BeammWave turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.



Price movement for BeammWave with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.

Price/MA200:22,9 %
RSI (14):51,5
Price/MA50:-1,5 %


BeammWave was founded in 2017 by Per-Olof Brandt and Dr. Markus Törmänen based on long-term research on mmWave and mobile telephony at Lund University. The Company's business model will be based on a standard IP licensing model where the Company sells its technology to chip manufacturers. These chip manufacturers then produce the chip according to the Company's 'recipe', and sell it on to mobile manufacturers. The company will generate revenue in two phases. The first in the form of a start-up revenue, which is invoiced to cover costs including transfer of design and training around BeammWaves technology The second revenue in the form of licensing fees for the chips sold The software required for the Company's beamforming algorithms will also be licensed according to the same model, both to the chip manufacturers who license the Company's chip solution and in some cases directly to smartphone manufacturers.