10-year key figure history for Afarak turnover, profit, dividend, equity, PE and PB.
Price movement for Afarak with index and moving average MA50 and MA200.
Afarak Group SE is a chrome mining and minerals producer focused on sustainable growth with a specialty alloys business in southern Europe and a ferroalloys business. The company has two operating segments FerroAlloys and Speciality Alloys. The FerroAlloys business consists of the plant Vlakpoort mine, Zeerust mine, and the Mecklenburg mine in South Africa. It produces chrome ore, charge chrome, medium carbon ferrochrome, and silicomanganese. The Speciality Alloys business consists of Turk Maadin Sirketi A.S, the mining and beneficiation operation in Turkey, and Elektrowerk Weisweiler GmbH, the chromite concentrate processing plant in Germany. The company operates in European countries, the United States, China, Africa, Finland, and Other countries.